Product: | Ponceau Fuchsin (Masson) |
Code: | HS670 |
Lot: | 183113 |
Issue Date: | 29/01/2018 |
Expiry Date: | 2020/01 |
Date of Production: | 22/01/2018 |
HS670 is a deep red aqueous solution of Ponceau de Xylidine and Acid Fuchsin in 1% acetic acid which is used primarily as a Trichrome stain for differentiating collagen from muscle tissue. |
Notes: Certificate will be updated with additional testing results when these are available. Check our website for Dyes and Stains certificate updates. |
This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): |
| | Result |
Spectrophotometric analysis | SOP 6A.16 | Conforms |