Selectrol® is a fully traceable and cost effective range of first generation Quality control micro-organisms which have predictable biochemical reactions, making it ideal for a variety of quality control and testing applications.
- Quality control of culture media, staining reactions, biochemical profiling.
- Determination of antibiotic concentrations in blood, serum or CSF samples.
- Antibiotic susceptibility testing controls, whether by disc diffusion or serial dilution.
Selectrol® Micro-organisms
Selectrol® is a first generation derivative of original stock cultures obtained exclusively from the National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC®) or National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi (NCPF®). Where appropriate other international strain designations, such as the ATCC®, are listed for reference purposes only.
Selectrol® strains are presented as water-soluble freeze-dried discs with most strains being available in packs of 10 or 25 discs. Selectrol® is versatile, and can be inoculated directly onto solid media or dissolved in an appropriate broth.
Certificates of Analysis are available to download from our website:
To ensure you have the most recent Selectrol® listing, please contact our Customer Service team.
Selectrol® discs are manufactured under license from UK Health Security Agency.
NCTC® and NCPF® are trademarks of UK Health Security Agency.
ATCC® strains are listed for reference only.
ATCC® is a registered trademark of the American Type Culture Collection.

Selectrol® Disc Quality Control Testing
Our in-house Selectrol® laboratory is UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited for the quality control testing of Selectrol® (UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2496). Please refer to our schedule on the UKAS website.
Quality control testing of Selectrol® includes biochemical profiling to demonstrate that the characteristics of the final product are identical to those of the source strain. A Test Report for each batch of Selectrol® can be accessed via this link: Selectrol® Certificates.