To: Customers and Distributors of StainHD product range.

It is our intention to change the Manufacturing Process of the products listed below.

The details of the change and the reason for it are given below.

If you have any difficulties or concerns accepting the change, please contact us immediately.

Product: StainHD product range (see list below)

Proposed Change Date: From 1 June 2021

Details: We are discontinuing some of the products and/or pack sizes from our current catalogue of StainHD products.

Reason for Change: Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic TCS Biosciences is focussing our production activities on our core products. We have reviewed our range of StainHD products and identified those products and pack sizes that are slower selling. Some products will be discontinued from the range and some other products will have fewer pack sizes available than currently. See list below Note – this list is not exhaustive and TCS Biosciences reserves the right to include further products as necessary.

Considerations: This change control is issued to give three months’ advance notice prior to implementation of the change. For your information, a certificate of analysis will be available for each product on our website https://www.tcsbiosciences.co.uk/dyesandstains/

Pack sizes no longer available:

  • HC6455-50 Periodic Acid (50% solution) 50ml
  • HC8610-100 DPX Mounting Medium 100ml
  • HC8715-50 Immersion Oil 50ml
  • HC8805-25 Silver Nitrate 25g
  • HD1295-10 Crystal Violet (CI42555) 10g
  • HD1295-25 Crystal Violet (CI42555) 25g
  • HD1320-25 Eosin Yellowish 25g
  • HD1410-1K Field’s Stain A (compound) 1kg
  • HD1415-1K Field’s Stain B (compound) 1kg
  • HD1715-10 Neutral Red 10g
  • HD1850-25 Safranin O 25g
  • HS115-250 Alcian Blue 8GX(1% w/v aqueous) 250ml
  • HS116-100 Alcian Blue 8GX(1% in 3% acetic acid) 100ml
  • HS116-250 Alcian Blue 8GX(1% in 3% acetic acid) 250ml
  • HS137-1L Potassium Permanganate (0.1% aqueous) 1L
  • HS140-1L Auramine Phenol (Lempert) 1L
  • HS140-250 Auramine Phenol (Lempert) 250ml
  • HS160-250 Carbol Fuchsin (Gram) 250ml
  • HS170-250 Carbol Fuchsin (Ziehl-Neelsen) 250ml
  • HS180-250 Carbol Fuchsin (Kinyoun) 250ml
  • HS200-100 Amyloid Stain Congo Red Solution 100ml
  • HS205-250 Cotton Blue – Lactophenol (Amann) 250ml
  • HS205-500 Cotton Blue – Lactophenol (Amann) 500ml
  • HS230-250 Crystal Violet (Gram) 250ml
  • HS232-250 Crystal Violet Oxalate (Gram) 250ml
  • HS280-100 Fuchsin Basic (sat. alco. soln.) 100ml
  • HS295-250 Giemsa Stain (modified) 250ml
  • HS305-250 Gram’s Iodine 250ml
  • HS310-250 Gram’s Decolouriser 250ml
  • HS315-100 Haemalum Mayer 100ml
  • HS356-100 Haematoxylin Harris (with acetic acid) 100ml
  • HS330-1L Haematoxylin Ehrlich 1L
  • HS375-250 Haematoxylin Weigert Solution A 250ml
  • HS380-250 Haematoxylin Weigert Solution B 250ml
  • HS425-250 Lugol’s Iodine 250ml
  • HS515-250 Methylene Blue Polychrome 250ml
  • HS555-100 Neutral Red (1% aqueous) 100ml
  • HS705A-1L Rapid Romanowsky Stain A 1L
  • HS720-250 Safranin (1% Aqueous) 250ml
  • HS780-100 Van Gieson Stain 100ml
  • HS787-1L ZN Decolouriser 1L
  • HS787-250 ZN Decolouriser 250ml
  • HC8695-500 Glycerin Jelly 500g
  • HC8700-1 Gold Chloride (brown) 1g
  • HC8855-5L Xylene 5L
  • HD1090-100 Aniline Blue Water Soluble 100g
  • HD1090-25 Aniline Blue Water Soluble 25g
  • HD1115-100 Auramine O 100g
  • HD1145-10 Azur II 10g
  • HD1175-25 Biebrich Scarlet 25g
  • HD1190-10 Brilliant Cresyl Blue 10g
  • HD1190-25 Brilliant Cresyl Blue 25g
  • HD1255-25 Chromatrope 2R – 25g
  • HD1270-10 Congo Red 10g
  • HD1270-100 Congo Red 100g
  • HD1290-10 Crystal Ponceau (acid red 44) 10g
  • HD1380-10 Fast Green FCF 10g
  • HD1380-25 Fast Green FCF 25g
  • HD1425-10 Fuchsin Acid 10g
  • HD1425-25 Fuchsin Acid 25g
  • HD1435-25 Fuchsin Basic for ZN 25g
  • HD1455-25 Giemsa Stain 25g
  • HD1475-100 Haematoxylin 100g
  • HD1475-25 Haematoxylin 25g
  • HD1570-25 Lugol Iodine (compound) 25g
  • HD1595-25 Martius Yellow 25g
  • HD1605-25 May Grunwald Stain 25g
  • HD1620-25 Methyl Blue 25g
  • HD1660-100 Methylene Blue Alkaline (Loeffler) 100g
  • HD1660-25 Methylene Blue Alkaline (Loeffler) 25g
  • HD1745-25 Nuclear Fast Red 25g
  • HD1755-100 Orange G (acid orange 10) 100g
  • HD1785-10 Ponceau Fuchsin (Masson) 10g
  • HD1785-25 Ponceau Fuchsin (Masson) 25g
  • HD1800-25 Ponceau de Xylidine 25g
  • HD1960-10 Toluidine Blue O (basic blue 17) 10g
  • HD1960-25 Toluidine Blue O (basic blue 17) 25g
  • HS145-1L Auramine Decolouriser (Lempert) 1L
  • HS172-1L Carazzi Stain 1L
  • HS570-250 Neutral Red (Jensen) 250ml
  • HS670-500 Ponceau Fuchsin (Masson) 500ml

Mar 2021

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TCS Biosciences Ltd

tel: +44 (0)1296 714222  |  fax: +44 (0)1296 714806  |  email: sales@tcsgroup.co.uk

Botolph Claydon, Buckingham, MK18 2LR, United Kingdom

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