Home > VITRONECTIN (Caf1 - Vitronectin)

VITRONECTIN (Caf1 - Vitronectin)

Caf1-Vitronectin mimics the action of the extracellular matrix protein vitronectin, supporting the adhesion, growth and maintenance of cell types such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). iPSCs grown on Vitronectin-Caf1 form colonies with morphologies similar to those seen on recombinant vitronectin and Geltrex™, with no significant differences in cycle length or population doublings. Furthermore, they retain their stemness markers and capacity to differentiate into different cell types.


Analysis of pluripotency markers of hiPSCs grown on Caf1-VTN compared to Geltrex. Cells were expanded over repeat subcultures then probed for transcription factors OCT4 (purple), NANOG (green), and surface antigen TRA1-60 (red) to highlight endogenous expression of pluripotency marker genes. Scale bar: 50µm.

Embryoid body formation from iPSCs grown on Caf1 substrates and Geltrex

Heat map of gene expression fold changes from TaqMan hiPSC

Embryoid body formation from iPSCs grown on Caf1 substrates and Geltrex show differentiation into the three germ layers. Heat map of gene expression fold changes from TaqMan hiPSC scorecard assay with mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm gene markers highlighted. Box plots show centre quartiles for all genes in a lineage set. Significance determined by one way ANOVA with Šídák's correction, **** p < 0.0001.

Reference: Engineering bacterial protein polymers to support human pluripotent stem cell growth and differentiation in culture. Creigh AR et. Al., bioRxiv 2024.04.29.59160

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