Certificate of Analysis
Product: | Acridine Orange in Acetate Buffer | |
Code: | HS100 | |
Lot: | 171552 | |
Issue Number: | 1 | |
Issue Date: | 01/06/2017 | |
Expiry Date: | 2019/05 | |
Date of Production: | 30/05/2017 | |
Storage: | Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place | |
HS100 is a solution of Acridine Orange in acetate buffer. It is suitable for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis in vaginal smears and for other methods where acridine orange solution in acetate buffer is specified. |
This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): | ||
Result | ||
Spectrophotometric analysis | SOP 6A.16 | Conforms |
For professional use only. |
TCS Biosciences Ltd |