
Certificate of Analysis

Product: Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Stain Kit
Code: HS462
Lot: 190114
Issue Number: 1
Issue Date: 09/01/2019
Expiry Date: 2020/10
Date of Production: 03/01/2019
Storage: Store at 2-8oC
HS462 consists of a pack of reagents suitable for the histological demonstration of and distinction between acid and neutral mucins in tissue samples.
Kit components:
Product: Periodic Acid (1% aqueous)
Code: HC6405
Lot: 190118
Issue Date: 09/01/2019
Expiry Date: 2020/11
Date of Production: 03/01/2019
HC6405 is aqueous solution of periodic acid suitable for use in the demonstration of and distinction between acid and neutral mucins in tissue samples.
This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s):
Visual QC checkSOP Manual 6Conforms
Product: Feulgen Stain (Schiff)
Code: HS265
Lot: 181282
Issue Date: 09/01/2019
Expiry Date: 2020/12
Date of Production: 13/12/2018
HS265 is a reagent used to test for aldehydes and ketones and in histochemistry to detect polysaccharides, DNA and proteins. It consists of a solution of pararosaniline hydrochloride that has been decolourised by sulphur dioxide. Aliphatic aldehydes restore the pink immediately, whereas aromatic ketones have no effect on the reagent. Aromatic aldehydes and aliphatic ketones restore the colour slowly. HS265 may also be used in any other technique when Feulgen stain is specified.
This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s):
Stain intensitySOP 6A.0Conforms
Stain colourSOP 6A.0Conforms
BackgroundSOP 6A.0Conforms
Absence of precipitateSOP 6A.0Conforms
Uniform stainingSOP 6A.0Conforms
Visual QC checkSOP Manual 6Conforms
Product: Haematoxylin Gill 3
Code: HS345
Lot: 182007
Issue Date: 09/01/2019
Expiry Date: 2020/10
Date of Production: 22/10/2018
HS345 Haematoxylin Gill 3 is a stabilised acid-alum-haematoxylin solution which is suitable for use as a regressive nuclear stain to demonstrate acidic cell components, or as a counterstain in histology and clinical cytology to differentiate nuclei, cytoplasm and squamous cells under microscopic examination.
This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s):
Spectrophotometric analysisSOP 6A.16Conforms
Stain intensitySOP 6A.0Conforms
Stain colourSOP 6A.0Conforms
BackgroundSOP 6A.0Conforms
Absence of precipitateSOP 6A.0Conforms
Uniform stainingSOP 6A.0Conforms

For professional use only.
Approved by QC.

TCS Biosciences Ltd - Quality Control Department TCS Biosciences Ltd
Botolph Claydon
MK18 2LR
United Kingdom

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