Product: | Haemalum Mayer | Code: | HS315 | Lot: | 181074 | Issue Date: | 09/01/2019 | Expiry Date: | 2020/10 | Date of Production: | 15/10/2018 | HS315 is a trivalent alum metal-haematein complex staining solution. Typically this is used as a progressive nuclear stain or as a counterstain in haematoxylin-eosin staining (H&E) in histology and clinical cytology to differentiate nuclei, cytoplasma and squamous cells under microscopic examination.
| This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): | | | Result | Spectrophotometric analysis | SOP 6A.16 | Conforms | Stain intensity | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms | Stain colour | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms | Background | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms | Absence of precipitate | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms | Uniform staining | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms |
Product: | Martius Yellow Alcoholic (B) | Code: | HK014 | Lot: | 182004 | Issue Date: | 25/10/2018 | Expiry Date: | 2020/10 | Date of Production: | 22/10/2018 | HK014 is an aqueous solution of martius yellow and phosphotungstic acid hydrate. It is a component in the MSB Stain Pack HS443 for use in the demonstration of and distinction between fibrin, muscle and collagen fibres in tissue samples. | This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): | | | Result | Visual QC check | SOP Manual 6 | Conforms |
Product: | Brilliant Crystal Scarlet 6R 1% (C) | Code: | HK005 | Lot: | 180983 | Issue Date: | 08/10/2018 | Expiry Date: | 2020/09 | Date of Production: | 25/09/2018 | HK005 is an acidified aqueous solution of crystal ponceau. It is a component in the MSB Stain Pack - fibrin (HS443) for use in the demonstration of and distinction between fibrin, muscle and collagen fibres in tissue samples. | This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): | | | Result | Visual QC check | SOP Manual 6 | Conforms |
Product: | Phosphotungstic Acid 1% (D) | Code: | HK019 | Lot: | 180984 | Issue Date: | 08/10/2018 | Expiry Date: | 2020/09 | Date of Production: | 25/09/2018 | HK019 is an aqueous solution of phosphotungstic acid. It is a component in the MSB Stain Pack HS443 for use in the demonstration of and distinction between fibrin, muscle and collagen fibres in tissue samples. | This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): | | | Result | Visual QC check | SOP Manual 6 | Conforms |
Product: | Soluble (Aniline) Blue (E) | Code: | HK028 | Lot: | 180985 | Issue Date: | 08/10/2018 | Expiry Date: | 2020/09 | Date of Production: | 25/09/2018 | HK028 is an acidified aqueous solution of methyl blue. It is a component in the MSB Stain Pack HS443 for use in the demonstration of and distinction between fibrin, muscle and collagen fibres in tissue samples. | This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): | | | Result | Visual QC check | SOP Manual 6 | Conforms |