Product: | Amyloid Stain (Puchtler) Congo Red Stock Solution |
Code: | HS200 |
Lot: | 182202 |
Issue Date: | 06/03/2019 |
Expiry Date: | 2020/12 |
Date of Production: | 18/12/2018 |
HS200 is an alcoholic saline solution of Congo Red. It may be used in the histological staining of amyloid deposits in tissue samples. |
This product has been checked against the current TCS specification for the following test(s): |
| | Result |
Spectrophotometric analysis | SOP 6A.16 | Conforms |
Stain intensity | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms |
Stain colour | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms |
Background | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms |
Absence of precipitate | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms |
Uniform staining | SOP 6A.0 | Conforms |